Marcello Pazzaglini

Foto del Prof. Arch. Marcello Pazzaglini

Marcello Pazzaglini graduated in Rome with Bruno Zevi and Paolo Portoghesi in 1966.
In 1981 university researcher, since 1988 Associate Professor and from 2001 is a full professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza – University of Rome. Owner of an architectural and urban design synthesis laboratory to the fifth year.
He was, until 2010, Director of the International Master Second Level in “Project Management of Architecture – Management du Projet d’Architécture”, set up by the Faculty “Ludovico Quaroni” and CAVEA in collaboration with Ecole supérieure d’Architecture Paris La Villette. Currently is Honorary Chairman.

He was president of the Five-Year Master EU Degree in Architecture Faculty. From 1996 to 2003, Director of the Course of Improvement “Theories Architecture” at the Faculty of Architecture of Rome “La Sapienza.” Since 1988 he is professor of PhD in “Architectural Composition – Theories of Architecture”. Since 1996 in PhD holds an introductory seminar “approach to the text, to the project, the building.”
He merged the Department of CAVEA Characters Architecture, Evaluation and Environment – University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in which he directed the Laboratory of “Architectural and Environmental Planning”.

One of the founders of the Metamorph Group (1965) has played in its scope, professional and research activities, has participated in national and international design competitions winning prizes and awards.
From 1968 to 1974 he worked as a researcher at the Centre of Studies for the School of Education and the Ministry of Construction has participated in numerous seminars and conferences on the topic. Among other he wrote the “Technical Standards for school construction” currently in force.
In 1979 he won the competition, with Metamorph group, for professional registration as designers of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
In 1981 he collaborates with “La Biennale di Venezia – architecture industry” with a search on “real house” as part of the exhibition “House-Family?”.
He was part of the scientific committee of the exhibition “Archaeology et Projet urbain” held in Paris in October 1985 by the Archaeological Superintendency of Rome and of the Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques et des Sites and moved to Rome in 1986.
In 2007 he was appointed by the Department CAVEA scientist in charge of the final design for the architectural and functional recovery of an existing building built in the 70s of about 18,000 square meters destined to Center Post Office to be transformed into university.
He has received awards and accolades on the project research results. Among these are: the “European Solar Prize 1999” for the realized project of a bioclimatic asylum in Massimina, Rome.

He has published books and essays on contemporary issues of architecture, urban history, problems and methods of designing, green architecture and sustainable design.
Since 1974 carries out an intensive research on the urban history of San Lorenzo in Rome neighborhood with documentary collections at numerous archives with historical and design investigations. On the subject he has also participated in numerous conferences and seminars. The results of this activity are collected in numerous publications and books.
Has done research on the architecture of theaters, the results of which are described in various publications.
In 1977 publish with C. Conforto, G. De Giorgi and A. Muntoni the book “The architectural debate in Italy. 1945-1975”. He founded and directed from 1985 to 2009 with G. De Giorgi and A. Muntoni the magazine “Metamorfosi, Quaderni d’Architettura“. The design of the research results with a Metamorph group are published on an ad hoc books and in magazines and newspapers such as: “Architecture c. and s.”, “Marcatre”, “Casabella”, “Controspazio”, “L’Espresso”, “ArchitecturalReview (AR)”, “Domus”, “Edilizia scolastica”,” Metamorfosi, QdA”, etc.
He has directed and participated in research projects sponsored by the University on many issues related to the application of sustainability of projects to a major, small and medium scale. He has directed and participated in research commissioned by the government of archaeological and historical fabric of the Roman area.

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